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About me 


Hello! My name is Ti. I am a reader, writer, and lover of the verboten. I love all things socially groundbreaking, wholly feminist, and artistically disturbing. I am also an Iranian woman, first and foremost, and want to spread all the beauty - and the ugly-  my culture has to offer. I see us as overlooked, silenced, and underappreciated, and my one goal in life is to change that. 

    I was born In Tehran, Iran in 2004 right at the start of the Ahmadinejad regime. In my childhood, I have experienced violence, humiliation, arrest, and familian unrest at the hands of Iran’s theoretically fascist regime. My parents and I left in 2013, with me at 10 years old, to the state of Texas. I knew not a lick of English, even struggling to ask the neighborhood kids where we were going to play. I learned English by pirating YA books off the internet and reading them over and over to fill the time and loneliness. That turned into a hobby that stayed with me as I grew up, turning into a love of different genres, authors, and worldly literatures. I eventually started writing in a journal, which progressed to more creative pieces like short stories and poems. Ù‘I am now a second year university student, studying comparative literature, history, and writing. 

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